Teen Miss Contestant # 4

Tiffany Lee Brodt


1. What is your favorite thing about Christmas?
Family, friends and celebrating Christ’s birthday is my favorite thing about Christmas. Christ has given to me in abundance and it is an honor to celebrate his birthday in such a glorious way.
Gifts are also nice but to spend this glorious day with my family and friends is more to me than the gifts. God has given me the greatest gift of all by blessing me with the abilities, material items and good health.
Christmas is also a great time for music, fellowship and a time for giving. Decorating our Christmas tree, anticipation and to see so many people in a good mood. My question is why can’t the spirit of Christmas last all year long? Open your heart to God and enjoy the reason for the season!

2. Describe your perfect Christmas day.
Snow, couple of gifts, good dinner and family is the perfect Christmas day! Snow on Christmas day makes the day perfect. To me is symbolizes the purity of Christ, warms those that are no longer with us with a fresh blanket of snow, beauty of the sparkle of each snowflake.
I enjoy receiving gifts however it is more blessed to give than to receive. I enjoy giving hand made gifts because it adds a personal touch and to me it is a symbol of my love to that person.
Christmas dinner is always special. The smell of the ham baking with the snow falling, sipping on a hot chocolate with home made cookies is the perfect Christmas day!

 3. What one thing do you want the most this Christmas?
The thing I want the most this Christmas is world peace! I wish I had the power to have all of our troops home with there loved ones this Christmas day. Next to that I would like back splint boots for my pony. My pony “GG” works very hard for me all summer long and I wish for a new pair of boots for her. GG is so intense in the speed events that we go through a pair every other year. These boots keep her safe and free from leg injuries.

4. What is the best Christmas present you have ever given?
I enjoy giving pictures of myself. Pictures preserve family history and give something to share with many generations to come.
Although this was not an actual Christmas two separate occasions comes to mind that was very special to me. The first was when I competed for Teen International Achievement Ambassador. My nanny was so proud of all of my accomplishments and was awaiting the results for this title and they were announced Christmas day. I was so very excited to call her and tell her that I had won that title she said that was the best Christmas present she had received! My nanny was very ill and now she celebrates Christmas in heaven. 
The second is the toy drive I did for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. I delivered the items to the hospital just in time for their Christmas in July celebration! Giving is the Spirit of Christmas.

 5. Why do you want to be Teen Miss Christmas Spirit?
It would be an honor for me to hold the title of Teen Miss Christmas Spirit because it gives me another avenue to spread the word of all the blessings Christ has given me and the importance of trusting in the Lord.
The spirit of Christmas should be with in all of us all year long and holding this title would give me the ability to spread the word on the importance of giving. Giving in whatever capacity you can. When you give freely to others it is a great feeling as well as God will reward you many times again for the smallest of giving you do!
I take great pride in the title I have held and I look forward to representing this title with pride, integrity and the Spirit of Christmas.

What The Spirit Of Christmas Means To Me

The spirit of Christmas means sharing the spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ. As we wonder why things happen and why Christ doesn’t fix it we must remember he is in control of all events and will guide in the direction we need to be.

God has taught us that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Through my past titles I have help to raise over $300,000.00 for various charities. One of my greatest gifts I have ever given was doing a toy drive for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. Driving roundtrip thirty hours to hand deliver the boxes of items I had collected was one of my greatest memories ever!

    It reminds me how blessed I have been. The children of St. Jude’s are so grateful for every day they are given and appreciate all of the small blessings they are given. To me that was the spirit of Christmas even though it was in July.

   The spirit of Christmas should be all year long not just in December. The spirit of Christmas also means to me remembering the reason for this glorious season and that is celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

   Christmas has become so commercialized that the true meaning of Christmas is forgotten. Many youth measure a great Christmas by the gifts they get, not celebrating the birth of Jesus, what their gifts cost not the time they have to spend with family, showing off what they received when school returns not what they have done for others.

   Remembering the reason: the birth of Jesus Christ, family and giving is what the spirit of Christmas means to me!


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