Ms. Christmas Spirit Woman 2009

Sheila Vitiello

What The Spirit Of Christmas Means To Me

The Spirit of Christmas really started over 2000 years ago in Bethlehem when the three kings brought gifts to the manger. The spirit was first captured there in giving.  We should all remember that this is the true reason for the season.

The spirit of Christmas comes from giving, of being, of making others happy.

It is the joy, the rush of excitement as you are standing there singing Christmas carols at church on Christmas Eve.

It is in the twinkle of your husband’s eye as he looks at you across the dinner table with the whole family there.

It is in your son’s smile as he plays Christmas carols for the family to sing along and you wink at him, and he smiles.

It is in the thrill that goes through you as you watch them lay the baby Jesus in the manger at church on Christmas.

It is in your son’s smile as he helps his younger cousin with her new toy.

 The spirit is there when I make Christmas cookies for the people in the nursing home with my son and we always have to make extra batches because we eat so much of the cookie dough.

The Christmas spirit is the lump in your throat as you watch children in a soup kitchen on Christmas eating their Christmas meal.

It is in sharing what you have and who you are to make others happy or content.

The spirit is in a smile at a stranger, it’s in letting another driver out in front of you.

The spirit is in caring about others, and animals too, like the animals that were there on that very first Christmas over 2000 years ago

The Christmas spirit is from the heart.


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