What The Spirit Of Christmas Means To Me
The spirit of Christmas is something everyone possesses within
themselves. It's the acts of kindness. Its being giving to others less
fortunate. Every year people come together to raise money and collect
canned goods for starving families. They collect toys for less
fortunate children. The Christmas spirit enables us to be unselfish
and do for others that are in need. It gives us a feeling of joy and
Christmas is a time for celebration of the birth of Jesus. Practicing
his teachings and having the spirit of giving is what the spirit of
Christmas means most to me. While working with the mentally disabled I
realize how important it is to cherish the life we were given no
matter what the case. I have volunteered my time serving food to the
homeless last year and was touched at how kind and appreciative they
were of me. I got a feeling of joy that embraced my heart knowing that I
put a smile on someones face.
Smiling plays an important part in the spirit of Christmas. Put a
smile on a child's face by giving a toy. Put a smile on a homeless
mans face by giving him food. Put a smile on the elderly by giving
your time. No matter what the case we need to remember to give and
help keep the spirit of Christmas alive. Give others a reason to smile
with the spirit of Christmas by giving.